The Disabled Gardener

Gardening with Accessibility in Mind

The Disabled Gardener is focused on providing information on How to Garden with Disabilities and Financial Limitations like SSI/SSDI. We are also dedicated to supporting nature and wildlife by providing information about Native Plants and Butterfly Facts that are easy to find and understand.

Start your own garden today!

Visiting North Carolina Botanical Garden while in wheelchair with Panic (dog). Carnivorous Bog Garden
Visiting North Carolina Botanical Garden while in wheelchair with Panic (dog). Carnivorous Bog Garden

Gardening shows that with a little bit of patience and love it can grow and transform into a blossoming life. It allows you to ignore all the negative things in life and focus on something positive and beautiful. It pushes you to be more active having set small goals every day for a beautiful garden providing physical therapy and exercise. For some the act of putting your hands in the dirt may be the only time they feel nature.

The sense of achievement one can gets from seeing a flower bloom, a vegetable maturing, or even a butterfly hatching from their chrysalis can be awe inspiring and provide internal hope for better days to come.

Mission Statement:

The Disabled Gardener’s goal for the community is to encourage and facilitate gardening activities that are designed with accessibility in mind. This could involve creating accessible garden spaces, pathways, and planting areas that accommodate individuals with various disabilities.

  1. Helping People with Disabilities Have Access to Gardening: The organization aims to remove barriers that people with disabilities may face in participating in gardening activities. This could include providing adapted tools, raised beds, or other modifications to make gardening more inclusive.
  2. Providing Accessible Tools: Ensuring that individuals with disabilities have access to gardening tools that are adapted to their needs. This might involve designing or sourcing tools that are easy to use for people with different abilities.
  3. Community Support and Inclusion: Fostering a sense of community among individuals with disabilities who share an interest in gardening. This could involve organizing events, workshops, or support groups that focus on gardening and horticulture.
  4. Education and Awareness: The organization may aim to raise awareness about the benefits of gardening for individuals with disabilities and provide educational resources on accessible gardening techniques.
  5. Advocacy for Inclusive Spaces: Advocating for the creation of inclusive and accessible gardening spaces in public areas, neighborhoods, and community gardens. This may involve collaboration with local authorities and other stakeholders.
  6. Empowering Individuals: Empowering individuals with disabilities to actively participate in gardening by providing the necessary resources, knowledge, and support.
By focusing on these goals, “The Disabled Gardener” aims to make gardening a more inclusive and accessible activity for people with disabilities, promoting both physical and mental well-being within this community.

About the founder

Throughout my childhood, I faced numerous health challenges. Engaging in building and gardening became a therapeutic escape for me, offering a way to create something beautiful despite my health struggles. However, in 2021, my spine deteriorated significantly, leading to unexpected complicated surgery in June 2022. The outcome was far from what I had anticipated, as I experienced substantial blood loss and lost sensation in my lower half, among other complications. The journey to recovery involved relearning how to walk and understanding my newfound physical limitations. This firsthand experience allowed me to empathize with those reliant on wheelchairs, walkers, canes, or crutches, facing challenges related to mobility, strength, and endurance. My ultimate goal is to inspire and inform others that, even with limitations, gardening can be pursued for pleasure, therapy, or sustenance.

Opting for a Butterfly Garden turned out to be the best decision I had made. It’s not just a fun hobby; it’s also an amazing way of acquiring knowledge and socializing. We’ve extended invitations to our extended family, neighbors, and friends, encouraging them to enjoy the experience of observing, handling, and discovering all there is to know about butterflies.

A Butterfly Garden provides a wonderful opportunity for children to spend time outdoors and gain insights into nature, demonstrating the fascinating transformation that occurs right before their eyes. It showcases the journey from something as minuscule as a seed or butterfly egg to evolving into something substantial and beautiful.

The Disabled Gardener Blog will feature our personal garden thats filled with fruits, veggies, and butterflies! We will also get into awesome new methods of gardening and different themes for gardens that will fit best for you!